The Australian Music Alliance is Pitchhiker’s founding initiative, focused on helping Australian music travel, and building musical connections between Australia and the USA. We have produced KCRW’s Global Beat Australia radio show, Breakers, and Australian radio show Sonic Dialog. We also publish The Cockatoo newsletter.
The Australian Music Alliance is led and advised by the following group of professionals.

Executive Director & Founder
AMA Advisory Board
Andy Baldwin
Andrew Furze
Creative Director TAG Music
Ashley Irwin
Composer, President, Society of Lyricists and Composers
Catherine Joy
Composer, Founder/CEO Joy Music House, and President, Alliance for Women Film Composers
Jennifer Fontaine
Artist Manager, Private Idaho
Jodie Regan
Artist Manager, Spinning Top Music
Justin Stanley
Liam Clifford
Owner Howlaround Entertainment Group
Michael Harrison
Senior VP, AEG Global Touring
Sam Cook
APRA-AMCOS appointee and US representative, CEO of KMBA Agency
Multi-platinum award-winning recording artist
Harry White
General Manager, Future Classic